“I’ll Have What She’s Having.”
“I’ll have what she’s having” is of course a famous line from the movie, When Harry Met Sally, way back in 1989. It’s a hilarious scene where Sally demonstrates to Harry, what she sounds like when she is having an orgasm, while having lunch in a crowded restaurant. An older lady at the next table says to the waitress, “I’ll have what she’s having”.
It’s a perfect example of witnessing what someone else is experiencing or enjoying and wanting to experience and enjoy it for yourself. For some people, myself included, we don’t have the ability to hold a vision for what is possible, until we see what it looks and feels like in another.
For example, my sister can look at an empty room and she can envision the end result of a beautifully decorated room, right down to the smallest accent pieces. I can look at the same empty room and see only an empty room. Needless to say, my sister is my decorator.
My inability to envision the end result is not just in decorating, it also includes lacking imagination in what was possible in all areas of my life. I’ve never been a “think outside the box” kinda gal. I’m a follow the rules, colour inside the lines and do as you’re told person. These were great qualities as a Government employee, but resulted in me personally staying small in life and living with an invisible lampshade on my head to hide my light, so I didn’t call attention to myself. I can now clearly see that manifesting what I didn’t even know that I wanted, or was even possible, occurred when I witnessed it in another.
One occasion was after reading a Doreen Virtue book and she described her life of travel, while participating in personal growth workshops, the experiencing and learning of spiritual practices and meeting amazing and inspiring people. I said to myself, “that’s the life I want to live” or “I’ll have what’s she’s having” and I felt it in every cell and fibre of my being. Fast forward a few years and Shazam, that’s the life I am living.
Second occasion was after I was single for many years, and I couldn’t even imagine that finding the perfect mate for myself was possible. I met a woman who shared with me that her husband was a wonderful man that everyday he would ask, “how can I make your day better”? Again the “I’ll have what she’s having” thought, and again viscerally feeling it in my entire body. Yep; you guessed it. Fast forward a few years and I am engaged to my perfect mate who is loving and more than I dreamed possible. Every day he makes my day better in his actions and words.
I marvel at the ability of individuals that seem to come out of the womb knowing who they are and what they want in life. Then again, there are some that know and yet never reach their goals despite holding the vision. Sometimes there are blocks that hold us back or keep us small that we aren’t even aware of.
What about you? Do you have the ability to envision what you want? Are you able to bring your vision to fruition? Do you struggle with knowing what it is you truly want? Do you believe it’s possible and that you deserve to have it?
Sometimes we need some help with uncovering and clearing that which is holding us back, keeping us small, hiding our light, or causing us physical or emotional pain. I invite you to have a look at my website and the menu of services I provide, as well as the photos and stories I share of my own experience of living, and learning to live, a full and satisfying life.